Song of Hatra

The Chorus Rebellion - book 1

From Voices of Hatra:

K is for Karyon. This young ambassador-in-training has a role and a place, but can she fulfill her obligations?
L is for Life. Less than two decades after the cataclysm, the bell ringer tolls at dawn.
M is for Macky. We meet Jayk's loyal friend and see why he's so loyal.
N is for Nevine. The only child of the oldest family in Hatra has joined the military with her friend. It doesn't start out great for them.
O is for Oath. A promise is a promise, but an Oath is so much more.
P is for Patriarchy. In Hatra this means many things, but here we see the ramifications of it, and the motivation that drives people to support it.
Q is for Quayside. Pronounced "KEY-syd," the neighborhood outside the walls, and sheltered by the ancient sea-wall is alive with activity. Not all of it legal, and nearly none of it monitored.
R is for Rune. These ancient symbols exist throughout Hatra, but few have any idea what they mean or why they are there.
S is for Skyfe. This debilitating disease affects almost everyone in Hatra to some degree. Only the wealthiest seem to be able to avoid getting it. Until it's withheld from them.
T is for Temond. We explore the origin story of the relationship between Temond and the Kane family.